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Descriptions des métiers

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record the deeds of great warriors&
honestly think I have the dullest job in the world&
copy the words of the greatest poets of %lp&

fais tout ce qui doit etre fait&
fais des courses pour mon maitre&
precise que j'ai moi-meme ete marchand&

118 caractères dont 3 inutilisés

play several different musical instruments&
am writing my own symphony for the %t&
may be playing at the imperial palace next year&

trade commodities&
am raising my son to take my place&
only wish business in this %ct was better&

am preparing nature-worshipping disciples&
just found the perfect human sacrifice&
am conducting services in the park tonight&

conduct prayer services&
am attempting to find converts&
cannot believe I just broke my vow of silence!&

lead a group of acolytes&
am very concerned about the moral climate of this %ct&
am part of the %t's Circle of Elders&

am making plans to protect the surrounding woodlands&
just led an adventuring party through the wilds of %lp&
love running naked through the wilderness&

suis de la garde privee de notre %t&
chasse les mauvais clients du %nt&
travaille pour le patron du %en&

114 caractères dont 1 inutilisé

study black arts theory at the Mages' Guild&
really am more of a magician than a true mage&
am one of the authorities on ethereal travel&

brutalise les gens, vous savez&
frappe de prefference les gosses %ra&
suis membre du syndicat des Wharf Rats&

124 caractères dont 6 inutilisés

try to avoid work of any kind&
am happy to be out of the asylum&
might or might not be undercover&

vole vraiment des choses&
songeais a visiter ces poches de %ra&
veux dire vendeur&

97 caractères dont 6 inutilisés

kill whoever deserves killing&
just finished my last assignment&
mean an assembler ... a factory assembler&

suis un genre d'homme a tout faire&
viens de chez la mere de notre %t&
fais le minimum, mais je le fais bien&

118 caractères dont 0 inutilisés

sing songs of lost love and great deeds&
think I might get to perform at the %t's court this week&
just might write a tune about you, %ra&

fais des recherche sur certains pans obscurs de l'histoire&
travaille sur l'histoire de la famille de %t %rf&
crains d'avoir l'odeur des livres&

155 caractères dont 2 inutilisés

work in the %t's gardens&
have got the dirty hands to prove it&
have recently been hired by the %tem for their gardens&

soigne et j'entraine toutes sortes d'animaux&
passe le plus clair de mon temps avec les chevaux&
n'aime pas trop les humanoides, surtout %ra&

162 caractères dont 12 inutilisés

put hexes on people&
mean, not the wicked kind&
think you just stepped on my familiar - no, never mind&

viens d'amener du gibier frais au %nt&
viens de tuer un magnifique daim. Vous pariez ?&
suis dingue de nature. Ah, tuer au grand air..&

144 caractères dont 0 inutilisé

gauge public opinion on political issues&
am a junior member of the %t's Circle of Elders&
welcome you to %cn2, I mean, %cn&

suis co-proprietaire du %nt&
possede une taverne dans %cn&
dirige le %nt avec mes associes&

101 caractères dont 1 inutilisé

serve ale at the %nt&
keep the boys from gettin' thirsty at the %nt&
guess I'm every fellow's best friend at the %nt&

prepare the harvest grapes into the finest wine&
make the wine they serve at the %nt&
make the godawful wine they serve in the %tem's service&

cuisine et me gave&
suis au service du chef de %t %rf, merci&
fais le gruau pour les ames cheres au %tem&

116 caractères dont 2 inutilisés

make the best armor you ever seen&
recommend you see my work at %en&
prefer that over amourer, and armormor. You know, armorer&

viens d'avoir une commande pour un portrait de notre %t&
prefere peindre a l'huile&
vais bientot peindre une frise au %tem&

137 caractères dont 5 inutilisés

work in %t %rf's land right outside&
think I saw you tromping through my fields a while back&
don't make it into town very often&

have brought some fresh fish I caught&
guess you could tell from my smell&
was just shopping for a new, bigger net&

make necklaces, rings, and bracelets&
have made jewelery for %t %rf's mother before&
can spot a fake diamond at 20 paces&

tanne les peaux pour fabriquer des armures de cuir&
fabrique des articles pour les marchands d'equipment&
travaille souvent pour la Guilde des voleurs&

162 caractères dont 1 inutilisé

do woodworking&
just got finished with some repairs over at the temple&
do odd work, some of it for %t %rf's family&

am preparing for a journey through the Blue Divide&
could tell you a thing or two about the lands beyond Tamriel&
hate to admit it, but I'm a little lost&

am on shoreleave, visiting relatives&
spend most of my time drunk&
spent my first twenty-five years on the sea&

create sailing vessels of every description&
have never actually been out to sea&
actually worked on the Emperor's armada&

make all kinds of clothing&
was part of the staff who designed the %t's mother's coronation gown&
sew, stitch, make alterations, you know, stuff like that&

sell raw skins to the %ct's tanners&
spend most of my time out in the wild&
invented a new peeling process for beavers&

serve the %t of %cn's private needs&
work for some of the wealthiest family in %cn&
have worked for the %t's family for years&

am running a scientific laboratory&
have succeeded in turning gold into lead, unfortunately&
have been hired to do research at the Mages' Guild&

train several blacksmith apprentices&
am employed at %en&
do some of the repairs at %en, just around here&

do research at the Mages' Guild&
am under a grant with the %tem to do religious work&
collect human knowledge&

run a wealthy nobleman's household&
help take care of %t %rf's children&
make myself indispensable to the %t of %cn, I think&

do, I admit, basically nothing all day long&
attend balls, receptions, and parties, week after week&
collect an allowance from daddy and mummy&

make predictions and forecasts for %t %rf at the palace&
knew you would talk to me&
just got hired by the %tem to find out their future&

surveille les besoins de la classe laborieuse&
fais l'intermediaire entre le peuple et notre %t en cas de tension&
reconnais avoir tue beaucoup de gens pour en arriver la&

183 caractères dont 3 inutilisés

am in training with the blacksmiths at %en, learning by practice&
do all the work and get all the blame&
try not to work any harder than I have to&

restaure certains murs de pierre au %tem en ce moment&
penses que je vais travailler au palais de notre %t&
fais des reparations sur les murs un peu partout dans la cite&

184 caractères dont 5 inutilisés

train the mighty birds of prey&
hope to work someday in the emperor's aviaries&
even keep some of the %t's birds in my house&

tiens quelques affaires locales, comme le %nt, par ici&
tiens quelques auberges de notre %ct avec mes associes&
suis associe a quelques nobles comme proprietaire d'auberges en ville&

191 caractères dont 0 inutilisé

bake bread&
make muffins, cookies, cakes, and breads&
prepare pastries for %t %rf's sweet tooth&

prepare la viande pour les banquets de notre %t %rf&
decoupe les carcasses en moceaux calibres&
viens de livrer un beau mouton&

136 caractères dont 0 inutilisés

cut hair&
run a little barber shop down the street from here&
share responsibility for the %t of %cn's new coiffure&

make shoes, boots, and sandals&
work over at %en, cleaning up&
do exactly that, I make boots&

provide vegetables and fruits for the %t of %cn's table&
act as agent for several of the farmers in the region&
run a little vegetable shack down the road a bit&

just mend pots and pans&
do a little of this and a little of that&
guess I'm sorta a fix-it-up person&

make loans, determine credit, and hold people's money safely&
try to make a few gold pieces any way I can&
have little interest ... sorry, that was a terrible joke&

make certain people pay the money they owe&
have a very, very loyal clientele&
once even loaned some gold to the %t - and I'm still waiting&

fabrique des bibelots dores&
cree des coliers, anneaux, bracelets, voire des pieces d'armure&
fabrique des babioles et des ornements pour les riches&

158 caractères dont 0 inutilisés

make silver weapons, even occasionally a mithril one&
hope to one day be an Ebonysmith&
spend most of my time fighting tarnish&

fais des tapisseries pour les temples et les palais&
vais acheter du fil a tisser&
souhaite que le palais me commande une tapisserie&

143 caractères dont 1 inutilisé

am teaching my apprentices to make glass bowls and goblets&
do just that - I blow glass&
worked on the chandelier over at the %t's palace&

viens d'installer des boiseries au palais&
dois vous prevenir que le monde grouille de vermine&
souhaiterais que les gens de %cn preferent les moulures ornementales&

176 caractères dont 2 inutilisés

run a school here&
think I might get a grant from the %t for my research&
have been battling illiteracy in %cn&

fais depuis peu des traductions pour plusieurs temples&
travaille a la traduction de poesie Elfe Noir&
parle votre langue couramment&

153 caractères dont 11 inutilisés

make potions and poisons of every description&
just got a contract to make drugs for the Mages' Guild&
try all my drugs on myself before selling them to others&

soigne les malades. Enfin, ceux qui ont les moyens&
n'ai pas autant de travail que je l'imaginais&
crois que j'ai moi-meme pris froid&

148 caractères dont 5 inutilisés

am afraid I am just a low-level secretary&
do mostly legal stuff for different organization&
suppose you noticed my ink-smudged hands&

me deplace beaucoup, mais actuellement notre %t m'emploie pour quelques trucs&
suis arrive a %cn il y a peu, pour chercher de l'action&
suis ce que vous appelez un tueur a louer&

187 caractères dont 0 inutilisé

lock up suspicious-looking %ra adventurers all the time&
keep the %cn prison the cleanest in %lp, perhaps in all of Tamriel&
was just thinking about starting a prison choir group&

sais lire l'avenir dans les etoiles&
fais des predictions aussi bien pour notre %t que pour le %tem&
suis un veritable escroc, pour parler franchement&

163 caractères dont 3 inutilisés

bring the Imperial word to this %ct's %t, when summoned&
started off as a mere courtier from %cn2, now I work for the Emperor&
have been in conference with %t %rf all day long&

see that %t %rf's word is heard in %cn, so that we all know the laws..&
am sorry my voice is so hoarse&
have been running back and forth from palace to town square all day&

fais des vers legers et d'importants sonnets&
n'ai que peu d'amis&
compte deja quelques poemes publies a titre prive&

130 caractères dont 4 inutiliséss

am due to appear at the %cn theatre next week&
tend to play the part of enchanted princesses and fairies&
have been told I'm extremely self-absorbed&

travaille sur ma nouvelle tragedie&
vais presenter ma nouvelle piece au palais&
penses faire une piece basee sur la vie de notre %t %rf. Peut-etre une comedie&

168 caractères dont 0 inutilisés

work in the fields for basically no pay&
like to think of myself as a victim of the feudal system&
smell like a workhorse, as I guess you've noticed&

sue comme une mule tous les jours&
n'ai plus de mains, elles ont des calles comme des sacoches&
me tues au travail aux recoltes et meurs de faim en hiver&

163 caractères dont 0 inutilisé

find out what strangers like you know over at the %ct prison&
have a particular talent for removing the human tongue slowly&
used to work in the palace, now I'm at the %cn prison&

m'assures que les taxes sont bien payees&
viens de recevoir une note pour un nouvel impot&
suppose que vous avez paye la taxe de visiteur&

149 caractères dont 2 inutilisés

serve as advisor, counselor, and prophet to %t %rf, whenever asked&
make auguries and sacrifices at the %tem for the %t when needed&
see things behind my eyes and they come to be&

have just been commissioned to make a series of statues&
did that statue of the naked man down the street&
have been doing bas-reliefs at the %tem - you ought to see them&

craft objects, weapons and armor mostly, from ebony&
work exclusively for %en, of course&
actually let my apprentices to most of the dirty work&

am postulating a new geometry&
have been amusing myself with some crypto-algebra, you know&
help instruct %t %rf's children as one of the private tutors&

drive malevolent spirits from the bodies of men&
work as one of the healers in the %tem, until I can start my own practice&
battle demons and spirits from the netherworld daily&

am giving a dance performance next week&
will be part of the troupe doing the traditional %lp dance&
would appreciate it if you'd get off my toe, thank you&

am on my way to lead some adventurers through the wilderness&
can locate a toad in a field of frogs&
know the %lp wilderness like my own backyard&

prepare medicinal herb and spice preparations&
just got out of the %cn prisons for growing some illegal herbs&
just sold my entire nightshade harvest to the Mages' Guild&

am enrolled at a college here in %cn, but only during the winter&
study all of the classic literature of %lp, so someday I'll travel&
drink a lot, study a little&

am writing a major epistemological tract&
was called one of the ten most influential logicians in %lp last year&
think, therefore I earn&

smite the enemies of the gods&
release those who doubt the holy word of the %tem, through death&
have a lot of free time and a lot of anger&

am organizing a group of fellow pilgrims&
thought that %cn would be a tolerant %ct, but I think I was wrong&
am going to a %tem shrine on the %lp border&

kinda have a thing for sheep&
left my flocks out in the meadowlands with my brother&
guess I'm a little bit of a bumpkin&

porte l'armure et les armes de mon maitre quand il ne s'en sert pas&
souhaite devenir moi-meme guerrier un jour&
crois que j'ai perdu mon maitre dans cette foule&

173 caractères dont 2 inutilisés

repair shoes and boots&
work over at %en, repairing shoes and boots&
have to admit I spend most of my day daydreaming&

sell to people who can't afford my goods&
run a few almost legal commodities from %cn to %cn2&
sell stuff, you know, nothing you'd be interested in&

mash grains into flour, which in turn is made into bread&
hope my son will take over my business when he is old enough&
make almost half of the meal and flour used in this place&

voyage beaucoup, vivant de petits jobs&
vais ou me mene mon esprit&
penses que la liberte est plus importante que tout le reste&

137 caractères dont 0 inutilisé

do practically everything over at the %nt, with a smile&
haven't had a vacation in years, even to %cn2 which is quite close by&
hope you'll come to my place, it's called the %nt and it's in town&

souffre d'une maladie qui fait bien rire les gens&
radote, je dis des choses insensees, et bien sur, je tourne en rond&
suis completement fou&

155 caractères dont 4 inutilisés

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Page mise à jour le 26 mars 2008 à 10h07