Jours de fêteVersion originale
Pour le premier jour de l'annee, %cn celebre New Life Festival. L'Empereur a ordonne une augmentation des taxes dans son discour de Nouvelle Vie, et ca provoque beaucoup de grogne. Malgre les problemes financiers, la tradition de Nouvelle Vie qui rends la biere gratuite dans toutes les tavernes est maintenue. Le peuple de %cn saura surement celebrer l'evenement...& 392 caractères dont 13 inutilisés
Le 15 de Morning Star est un jour pris tres au serieux a %cn ou on l'appelle South Wind's Prayer, une priere de toutes les religions de Tamriel pour une bonne saison de semailles. Des citoyens affliges de tous les maux connus de Tamriel affluent vers les services du %tem, car le guerisseur soigne gratuitement ce jour la. Les gens savent que peu seront juges dignes de ce service, mais peu d'entre eux peuvent payer le prix du %tem...& 459 caractères dont 8 inutilisés
Today is the 16th of Sun's Dawn, a holiday celebrated all over Tamriel as Heart's Day. It seems that in every house, the Legend of the Lovers is being sung for the younger generation. In honor of these Lovers, Polydor and Eloisa, the inns of the %ct offer a free room for visitors. If such kindness had been given the Lovers, it is said, it would always be springtime in the world.&
Le 7 de First Seed, chaque annee, la population de %cn celebre First Planting, semant symboliquement pour la recolte d'automne. C'est une fete du renouveau pour les champs comme pour les hommes et les femmes de notre %ct. Les voisins se reconcilient, des resolutions sont prises, les mauvaises abitudes rejetees, les maladies gueries. Les clercs du %tem consultent gratuitement toute la journee pour soigner l'empoisonnement, les maladies, la paralysie et autres fleaux du monde de l'Arene.& 519 caractères dont 14 inutilisés
Be warned that today is Jester's Day in the %ct of %cn, and pranks are being set up from one end of town to the other. It is as if a spell has been cast over the community, for even the most taciturn and dignified councilman might attempt to play a joke on his %t. The Thieves Guild finds particular attention as everyone looks for pickpockets in particular.&
La celebration de Second Planting bat son plein aujourd'hui. Les rites de cette fete sont semblables a ceux de First Planting, les ameliorations par rapport aux premieres semailles symbolisant l'evolution de l'ame. Le dispensaire du %tem est gratuit pour la deuxieme et derniere fois de l'annee, soignant ceux qui souffrent de tous maux ou maladies. Puisque la paix prime sur les conflits en cette periode, les blessures de combat sont gueries au prix normal.& 475 caractères dont 1 inutilisé
Today is the 16th of Mid Year, the traditional day for the Mid Year Celebration. Perhaps to alleviate the annual news of the Emperor's latest tax increase, the %ct temples offer blessings for only half the donation they usually suggest. Many so blessed feel confident enough to enter the %lp dungeons when they are not fully prepared, so this joyous festival has often been known to turn suddenly into a day of defeat and tragedy.&
The bargain shoppers of the known world are out in force today and it is little wonder, for the 10th of Sun's Height is a holiday called the Merchants' Festival. Every marketplace and equipment store has dropped their prices to at least half. The only shop not being patronized today is the Mages Guild, where prices are as exorbitant as usual. Most citizens in need of a magical item are waiting two months for the celebration of Tales and Tallows when prices will be more reasonable...&
You will have to wait until tomorrow if you are planning on making any equipment purchases, for all stores are closed in observance of Sun's Rest. Of course, the temples, taverns, and Mages Guild in the %ct are still open their regular hours, but most citizens chose to devote this day to relaxation, not commerce or prayer. This is not a convenient arrangement for all, but the Merchants' Guild heavily fines any shop that stays open, so everyone complies.&
Perhaps no other festival fires the spirit of the %ct of %cn as much as the one held today, Harvest's End. The work of the year is over, the seeding, sowing, and reaping. Now is the time to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the harvest, and even visitors to the %ct are invited to join the farmers. The taverns offer free drinks all day long, an extravagance before the economy of the coming winter months. Underfed farm hands gorging themselves and then getting sick in the town square are the most common sights of the celebration of Harvest's End.&
No other holiday divides the people of %cn like the 3rd of Hearth Fire. A few of the oldest, more superstitious men and women do not speak all day long for fear that the evil spirits of the dead will enter their bodies. Most citizens enjoy the holiday, calling it Tales and Tallows, but even the most lighthearted avoid the dark streets of %cn, for everyone knows the dead do walk tonight. Only the Mages Guild completely thrives on this day. In celebration of the oldest magical science, necromancy, all magical items are half price today.&
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes le 13 de Frostfall, connu dans tout Tamriel comme Witches' Festival, quand les forces magiques et religieuses s'affrontent. Les meilleurs affaires se font a la Guildes des Mages ou les equipements enchantes sont identifies gratuitement et les sorts sont a moitie prix. Demonistes, conjureurs, lamies, sorciers et thaumaturges se retrouvent a l'exterieur de %cn et les creatures invoquees la bas infestent Tamriel pour des lustres. Les gens raisonnables ne sortent pas cette nuit la.& 534 caractères dont 11 inutilisés
Once the 30th of Frostfall, the Emperor's Birthday, was the most popular holiday of the year. Great traveling carnivals entertained the masses, while the aristocracy of %cn enjoyed the annual Goblin Chase on horseback. Recently, these traditions have fallen into neglect. It has been decades since there was a big carnival in %cn and longer still since a %t of the %ct sponsered a Goblin Chase. It is rumored that the Emperor has even begun refusing any audience.&
Today is the 20th of Sun's Dusk, the Warriors Festival in %cn. Most all the local warriors, spellswords, and rogues come to the %ct's equipment stores and blacksmiths where all weapons are half price. Unfortunately, the low prices also tempt many an untrained boy to buy his first sword and the normally quiet %cn streets ring with amateur skirmishes. The %t has pardoned most of these ruffians in the past, but has promised to be less merciful this year.&
Aujourd'hui, c'est le 15 d'Evening Star, une fete pratiquee devotement par le %tem, nommee North Wind's Prayer. C'est un jour ou on rend grace aux Dieux pour une bonne recolte et un hiver doux. Certaines annees comme celle ci, la recolte n'est pas tres bonne et l'hiver exeptionellement rude a %cn, mais comme notre %t aime a le dire, "Ca pourrait etre pire". Les temples offrent leurs services pour la moitie du don habituel.& 455 caractères dont 15 inutilisés
On the last day of the year the Empire celebrates the holiday called Old Life. Many go to the temples to reflect on their past. Some go for more than this, for it is rumored that priests will as the last act of the year perform resurrections on beloved friends and family members free of the usual charge. Worshippers know better than to expect this philanthropy, but they arrive in a macabre procession with the recently deceased nevertheless.&