Quête du palais en coursTraduction
Well, I heard %tg recently received this %mi from the %tq of %qc. Very Some of us are trying to make sense of a certain shipment of this %mi that %tg The council of %tg is furious because it turns out they received and even paid The %tq of %qc apparently sent this %mi to %tg here in town. Nobody, except the Apparently some %ra smuggler managed to get this %mi into %cn from %qc, into the
Did you hear our %t had to fend off an attack from %o. Thank God he had some Most people are still talking about that attack by %o on our %t's palace. We have Everyone's still talking about how we almost were under %o's rule. If it weren't for The big news is the assault on %t %rf's palace. They say if it weren't for a heroic You know %t %rf made public the siege on the palace. Apparently, we were very nearly taken
Did you know the %r of %tq %fq is here in %cn? Wish I knew why.& Well, you're not the only stranger in %cn. Apparently, %tq %fq's %r is in Guess who I saw in town? %tq %fq's %r, %ne! I wonder what %g's doing in %cn.& %tq %fq's %r was over at %tl a little while ago. Someone told me %g was What do you suppose the %r of %tq %fq is doing in %cn? Sightseeing? I
Did you hear that %nc has escaped from the palace prisons? Apparently he was just about ready to go up for You know that %nc was finally captured, don't you? I guess he's facing I heard %nc the %tt was just executed for crimes against the state. Well, %nc escaped from the guards on his way to the chopping block. Apparently he's The %t %rf had that %tt killed, you know, the one that %ra captured? I hear %nc, that
Did you know %o kidnapped the %t's %r? %g's back in %cn now, but apparently %g was Big scandal at the palace, young %ra. It seems %t %rf's %r had been Apparently, the %t's %r is back from the %tan, some health spa in the country. They say Some %ra rescued %t %rf's %r from some horrible place called the %tan. No one in town Listen to this. The %t's %r was kidnapped by %o and imprisoned in the %tan and what
Did you hear that some %ra kid killed %mn the %mt? Makes you think anything is That %mt that plagued the %ct is finally dead. We should be dancing in the The best huntsmen of the %t couldn't slay %mn the %mt, so %t %rf hired someone who I Have you heard about the %ra that killed %mn the %mt? Apparently this %ra was really Everyone in town in celebrating the death of %mn. We owe it all to a mysterious %ra
Looks like there was a little scandal at the palace. I don't I think %t %rf's on thin ice. Apparently someone discovered this %mi was missing and made a big Well, you know half the %t's Circle of Elders is dead thanks to some %ra who brought Things have calmed down at the palace, thank God. For a while, it looked like the %t Thank God that %mi was found. %t %rf was nearly executed, hadn't you heard?&