I'm %n. Remember? The %oc?& %oth, how soon they forget. I'm %n, the friendly %oc.& I'm %n the %oc, remember?& I remember you, %ra. I'm the %oc %n& Can't remember, young %ra? I'm a %oc by name of %n.& %oth, talk about a short memory. %n the %oc, at your service.& %oth, you forgot already? I'm %n, a %oc with a good memory.& I'm the %ra and you're %n the %oc, or the other way around.& We've already met, %ra. I'm %n the %oc, remember?& Good to see you again, %ra. %n the %oc, remember me?&
Yeah, I remember you, %ra. I'm %fn, the courtesan, remember?& I don't mind you forgetting me. Nature of business. I'm %fn the whore.& %oth, think really hard, %ra. Oh well, I'm %n, the, ah, lady of the night.& We met before, %ra. I'm a tart, by the name of %fn.& I'm %n the harlot. Remember, we spoke before?&
You know me, honey. Well, we only talked before I guess. %n, mistress to the %ra Not too many %ra boys forget %fn. Of course, we usually did more than just talk.& %oth, honey, you're hurting %fn's feelings, pretending you don't remember her. I'm the If my face doesn't look familiar, honey, it's 'cause you weren't looking at it when It ain't been that long, %pcf. You remember your little %fn, don't cha?&
You're %fn the Fool, right? No, wait a minute, that's me. I'm terrible at names.& I remember you! Don't tell me you forgot %fn the Jester. Woe is me. %jok.& Who are you? Who are you? That's all I ever hear from you! I'm %fn the Fool. I memorized your name when we met before, but I threw my head away. I'm %n the Wanna hear a joke? no? Too bad... %jok & Have you heard this one before? %jok & You talk to me, play with my affections, then the next minute, it's 'Who are you?'
Now the first time you asked me who I am, I thought, 'What an idiot.' Now I wonder My name is %n, the firebreather. Good to see you again, %ra.& Are you joking? You don't remember %n the firebreather? Ah, the fleet feet of Most people don't have to ask more than once, %ra. I'm %n the firebreather.& They call me %n the firebreather. Wait a minute, we met before. Good to see you, %ra.&
Ah, %ra, come back to talk to %n. Did you miss me or my snake, %sn?& Whose name did you forget, %ra? %n the snake charmer, or %sn the snake? Never mind - How have you been, young %ra? Don't you remember %n the snake charmer? I am sad to I am %n the greatest snake charmer in %cn. And you are a silly %ra for I do not spend my day playing with my snake, so that every two minutes a %ra ruffian
I'm %fn, the %t of %cn, of course. Bad habit of yours, %ra. Asking old friends to Look familar, do I? Why, I'm %fn the poor, stupid mendicant, I mean beggar.& I'm thy old pal, %fn the man o' the streets. Don't tell me you forgot.& Someone might think you've forgotten my name, mate. But not %fn. I know demanding See how I remember thy name? Mine's poor %fn. We met before.&
My name is %n, the vendor. You're %pcf, ain't you? I think we met before.& I'm thy solicitor %n, don't you remember? Well, it's my business to remember.& I never forget a face. You're that %ra from before. I'm %n, the retailer.& I cannot believe that you don't remember %n the vendor. Oh well, how are you?& You remember me, don't you? I'm %n the monger. What can I do for you, old %ra?&
Presenting %n the merchant. Most people remember my name the first time. Oh well...& We met before, not too long ago, young %ra. I'm the merchant %n.& Good to see you again, %ra. I'm %n, king of merchandise, if you forgot.& Still strolling around %cn, eh, %ra? Wish I had thy job but I gotta to eat.& I can't believe you forgot my name, %n, supplier to %cn. I thought we had a relationship.&
I already told you, %ra. They call me %n. What d'ya want now?& Listen, %n don't plan on making friends with no %ra. What is it?& I told you before, %n is a busy man. Okay, what d'ya want this time?& Can't you find anyone else to talk to? Fine, make it quick. %n is expecting some You already asked that before. I go by the name %n. What's yer problem now?&
Dear me if it isn't the young %ra again. You remember old %n, didn't you? Now what Do I have a sign around my neck saying 'Bother Me'? I'm a cranky old wizard named You forgot my name, I remember when your average %ra had an outstanding memory. The sorceror, %n. Surely, you have not forgotten? Adjusting to %cn life Ah, how soon they forget. I am the great %n, and we've met before.&
Ah, %ra, we meet again. You remember me, %n of the %tem? Of course, you do.& Still wandering the dangerous streets of %cn, eh, %ra? Take the words of %n to Good to see you yet again, %ra. What can poor friar %n do for you this time?& Still have not found thy way, %ra? You remember %n of the %tem, yes? Tell me how I can Ah the young %ra butcher again. You have not come to confess thy sins to Father
I know what you're going to say. 'Play it again, %n.' How are you, This is getting to be our song, eh, %ra? Tell me what a poor lutist like %n can do It must be my name that's forgettable, not my music. Allow me to reintroduce myself This is getting to be a bad joke. Let me complete just one song without you Ah, my friend, don't tell me you've forgotten my name. I'm %n. To think I
Little wonder you've forgotten my name, %ra. It's %n. It's one of those forgettable You're still here, %ra? No surprise. The streets are still dirty, %n's back still Few people talk to %n more than once, %ra. Most thinks I'm crazy. Maybe you're What do you want from %n this time, %ra? Directions? Gossip? I'll tell you what I Hello again, %ra. How can %n the street sweeper help a %ra like you?&
Oh, it's you again, you. Please don't touch the merchandise. Remember the motto Didn't I tell you before not to touch the slaves? If you want to talk to someone, Hello again, %ra. Not too morally offended by my trade to come back, are you? Don't Listen, %ra, you may not like what I do, but I'm %n, a businessman. I can't spend Interested in someone up there this time, kid? Or do you just wanna pump %n for