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You see a loathsome vermin
looking at you with stupid

You see something has crawled
out of the sewers, mindless with starvation and diseases

You see an enormous rodent,
stinking of garbage and plague

You see a small, hideously
deformed man...&

You see something that looks
like an insane, terribly
disfigured child...&

You see a cruelly twisted and
shrunken little man...&

You see a reptilian humanoid,
its eyes revealing its cold-blooded nature...&

You see a man-beast, scales
glistening in the light...&

You see a hybrid of a man and
a dragon, reptilian in its claws, fangs, and eyes...&

You see a large wild dog, its
powerful jaws slavering...&

You see something has come out
of the timbers, a low growl
rumbling in its snapping jaws...&

You see a dark, matted beast,
strands of bloody saliva dripping from its snapping canines

You see an enormous snow-white
dog, cool wind coming from its jaws
in a mist...&

You see something has come out
of the timbers, a low growl deep
in its throat, its teeth snapping...&

You see a beast that looks
like a cold marble statue,
its canine teeth and eyes very much alive...&

You see a tall, pig-faced man

You see a pile of bones that
somehow can move...&

You see a giant, misshapened
man with the head of a bull ...&

You see a huge arachnid, venom dripping from its fangs, eyes
focusing on you...&

You see a grotesque caricature
of a man, stinking of carrion and

You see an wolf-like animal
with eyes that glow as red as new embers...&

You see something that looks
like a transparent

You see a man, eyes devoid of
thought, flesh pale and covered
with the rot of the grave...&

You see a giant man,
gruesomely proportioned and
apparently hungry...&

You see a skeletal apparition,
eyes burning red...&

You see a small, winged demonling, hissing and spitting at

You see a strange, almost
crystalline man, the air around
him cold and dry...&

You see a man covered in a web
of cracks, a fine shroud of dust disguising his features

You see a slate-colored man,
the air around him crackling...&

You seem something that looks
like the Devil itself...&

You see a hybrid between woman
and snake so horrible the blood
in your veins begins to chill...&

You see a very pale man with
bright red eyes...&

You see a robed figure with a
white, skull-like face...&

Game images and texts are Copyright Bethesda Softworks

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Page mise à jour le 15 février 2007 à 16h48