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Me give you %i, for %mm gold. Okay?

%i very nice. You stay for %mm gold, yes, okay?

Good, you like %i. It cost only %mm gold, okay?

You'll love %i, I know it. Does %mm gold sound good?

The %i is vacant, odd enough. How about %mm gold, kid?

Yeah, I'll let you have the %i, but it'll cost you %mm gold, all right?

It's the cleanest %i in town, and it's yours for only %mm gold. Deal?

I'll let you have the %i for only %mm gold pieces. What do you think?

You're not going to find a better deal. You can have the %i for %mm gold. Okay?

You'll love the %i. I'll only charge you %mm gold. A bargain, believe me.

Ah, everyone likes the %i. You can have it for %mm gold pieces.

Excellent choice, the %i. I unfortunately can't ask for less than %mm gold for it.

It's only %mm gold. You're lucky we're pretty vacant right now.

I know you'll think it's incredible, but our %i is a mere %mm gold.

Very popular choice. I will ask %mm gold pieces, a pittance.

Yeah, me think %mm gold fair for %i. Me hope you like it here. Everything okay?

%mm gold sound great to me too. Make sure you wear underwear. %i got bugs. Deal?

Me feel nice today. %mm gold pieces all me charge. Sleep when you want. We got deal.

Yeah, I guess. %mm gold better than nothing. Go up to %i when you want. Okay?

Sounds good to me. %i's always open to you whenever you want. We gotta deal?

Good. You've got yourself a %i, kid. Don't give me no trouble and you can stay, okay?

You've got yourself a bargain price for the %i, kid. I just cleaned it last month. Deal?

Don't let anyone know I'm only charging you %mm gold. It'd ruin my reputation, alright?

%mm gold pieces is incredibly cheap for the %i. You've got a bargain, kid. Shake on it.

I don't believe I'm only charging you %mm gold. You lucky kid, do we gotta deal?

%mm gold for the %i, unbelievable. You're lucky this isn't tourist season. Deal?

Yes, I think we can do business. The %i for %mm gold. I assume it's a deal.

Marvelous. If you have the gold handy, we can conclude our deal. You do, don't you?

A perosn of discernment, I can see. %mm gold it is. I assume you have it on you, yes?

As the expression goes, you have a deal. Of course, you do have the %mm gold here, yes?

No way! Me know what %i worth! It very nice, even. Give me gold %i worth ...

Me pay that for slimepit in street, not clean %i. Me need

lot more gold than that ...

Hey, me not stupid! You give me more gold or me kick you out of here ...

Forget it. This is a clean hostel, it ain't no charity. Make me a real offer or get out ...

No way, kid. I made you a real offer. Make me one or get the hell out of my inn ...

Is you serious? I can't just give the %i away. You'd be smart to make a better offer ...

Why don't I just give the %i away for free? Come up with a real offer or hit the road ...

Took a lot of nerve to suggest that. Now cough up a real offer before I belt you one ...

Not a chance, kid. Believe me, this is a nice %i. If you want it, give me a real offer ...

Please don't insult me. Make me a real offer for the %i, or quietly leave my inn ...

That's an absurd offer and you know it. Kindly make me an

offer I could accept ...

Who do you think you're talking to? I'm trying to be open, so make another offer ...

I assume that was a joke, but I fail to grasp the humor. Please make me a real offer ...

Please make me a serious offer. I cannot possibly let the

%i go at that price ...

You obviously are unused to a nice, clean %i. Make me a real offer or leave my inn ...

Maybe you come back when you gots some gold ...

Sorry you gots no gold. Maybe you gets some and come back ...

Me am sorry you poor. Maybe you come back later ...

Afraid we can't do no business, kid. Come back later when you got money ...

Too rich for your blood, eh, kid? Well, we ain't got a charity here ...

Maybe you oughta gets some gold and come back. Can't do business now ...

You shoulda made sure you had the money before you asked. Come back later ...

That %i is in a lot of demand, kid. I gotta make some profit. We'll talk later ...

What a disappointment, I thought we could talk business. Maybe you ought to leave ...

I'm sorry, but I need to make a profit. You might look at other rooms at other inns ...

Sorry we couldn't work out a deal. But there are others willing to meet my price ...

If you want a clean %i here, you have to meet my price. I

guess you better leave ...

Obviously you're used to a cheaper %i at some other inn. No hard feelings ...

You really ought to go to a less expensive tavern. My prices aren't terribly flexible ...

I'm not worried about finding others who are willing to pay. I must say goodbye ...

Um, maybe. But maybe you give me %mm gold. Me be plenty happy then.

No, not enough. But %mm gold pieces enough. You give me that, okay?

That close, but me need little more. Only %mm gold. That real cheap! You pay?

Can't agree to that, friend. Howsabout %mm gold, only 'cause I likes you?

Afraid that ain't possible. But now %mm gold pieces, that's possible. Deal?

I'd go outta business if I said okay. %mm gold sounds good

to me. What d' ya think?

Can't do that, but I'll meet you at %mm gold. Can't say no to that, can you?

Sorry, no deal. I might be persuaded to accept %mm gold. What do you think?

Got too many bills to pay. What would you say to %mm gold pieces instead?

Not bad, not bad. But I'm going to have to hold my ground at %mm gold. Deal?

Ordinarily, I'd say yes, but I need %mm gold for that %i. What do you say?

Sorry, I can't accept that. How about %mm gold? That sounds fair to me.

I respect that offer. You have to understand I need at least %mm gold for the %i.

I regret to say I cannot accept that, but I am willing to meet you at %mm gold.

What about %mm gold pieces? That sounds more than fair to me.

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Page mise à jour le 21 juillet 2006 à 20h18