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Welcome to the Elder Scrolls playable demo!
We hope you enjoy yourself in this crypt
of the dead. Take care, for all mannner of
creatures will seek to stop you from finding
the one exit out of this level. Check your
inventory first before adventuring further.
We wish you luck in this journey...

A fetid odor washes down the corridor, carrying
with it the smell of decayed flesh...

A hot wind flows through this corridor, and with
it you smell the odor of sulphur. Even the floor
beneath you seems hot...

You come upon a fire lake, its red hot surface
bubbling and violent. One touch, and you would
surely be burned to a crisp...

Across the pit you see what seems to be an altar
of sorts. The body in front of it obviously
that of someone who did not take the proper

^100 90
Answer this correctly and the door leading out
will unlock. Answer this wrong mortal, and you
shall feel death's hand released upon you...
What is neither fish nor flesh,
feathers nor bone,
yet still has fingers,
and thumbs of its own?
What is thy answer?
:a glove
:a gauntlet
Thou art wise beyond reckoning. Proceed in peace
into the world of Arena...
Foolish mortal, pay the price for thy folly...

Game images and texts are Copyright Bethesda Softworks

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Page mise à jour le 13 juillet 2006 à 16h24