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Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2012
Messages: 1

Message Posté le : Lun Jan 23, 2012 8:50 pm    Sujet du message : IMG Répondre en citant


Sorry for my (not good) English, but better than my French:)

I started with own localization of Arena to my language (Czech).
I use yours utilities (Project 4, WinArena,...) and I have to say Thanks! for it.
But I have to ask for help too:(

Project 4 can convert to BMP only few images, because next look bad or report error message.
I think, that you solved this problem.

I thought, that I download original images from yours pages (PNG format),translate it, save it like BMP by GIMP and make it to IMG by Project. Size of IMG is same like original, but I don´t know, was it work it?

Can you help me please?Sad
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Inscrit le: 12 Juil 2006
Messages: 274

Message Posté le : Sam Fév 11, 2012 11:32 am    Sujet du message :  Répondre en citant

Project4 has never been finished sadly. I used WinArena to get all the images I could and put them on the website, then I convert them back to Arena format using a little program I wrote myself. It is on our download page and it is called Arena File, but it is written for Linux as I don't use Windows and I am not a developper myself, so I did only the minimum to make it work for my own use. I don't have the knowledge to make something better, but it is written in very basic ansi C and only the SDL library is used which is available for free for any OSes, so adapting the source code to make it work on mac and windows should be tricky for anyone having a minimum knowledge of coding in C on those systems
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